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Summer Detox Program


A 7 Day program to Detoxify body and mind through governed satvic diet regime to boost the metabolism and pranic energies & flush out the unwanted 


This program helps you bring a change in your mental and physical fitness by altering your diet.

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How does detox works

For centuries the practice of regulated diet has been followed to gain physical, mental and spiritual benefits. This program will help improve the working of vital organs, strengthen the nervous system as the energy consumption by the digestive system gets utilized for inner healing 


Detox process also casts a very positive impact on the mental and emotional wellbeing, eliminates fatigue, enhances overall energy levels in the body leaving one with peaceful and cheerful mind. 

What to expect
  • The program will offer easy-to-follow dietary routine along with small Yogic techniques to flush out the toxins and make one feel energetic & super charged up

  • Live Yog practice session every day (duration 60 mins)

  • 2 Recorded practices every day at the time of wakeup and sleep 

  • Pre-Post analysis of each participant

  • Live orientation and closing sessions

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  • Improved Metabolism

  • Better Digestion 

  • Energetic & Light Body

  • Helps to be more Mindful

  • Helps to reduce weight naturally

  • Helps to remove toxins and do natural detoxification

  • Removes energy blockages

  • Catalyze the Healing process

  • Purifies the blood

  • Strengthens Nervous system

  • Balances the Hormones 

Date & Duration

18th May, Saturday to 24th May

Live Orientation Session : 5:00PM , 26th Mar
Daily Diet Chart will be sent
2 recorded sessions for self practice at the time of wakeup and sleep
Live Yog Practice 6:00 AM
(Recordings will be available)


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